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Potassium Permagnate 500 ml

Potassium Permagnate
1.00Bottle Liq

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SKU: RXSOL-60-6110-500 Category:

Product Description

Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is a strong oxidizing agent . As an oxidizing agent it has the ability to add oxygen, remove hydrogen or remove electrons from an element or compound. Potassium permanganate is made up of 1 manganese atom surrounded by 4 oxygen atoms. The molecular weight of permanganate is 158.04 g/mol.
Potassium permanganate has the ability to “oxidize” soluble manganese and iron in drinking water to an insoluble manganese dioxide and iron oxide that can be removed by filtration. If these compounds were left untreated, they would cause staining of plumbing fixtures such as toilets, sinks and bath tubs and impart a bad taste to the water.

Potassium permanganate is recognized by its characteristic purple to pink color when made into a solution. In high concentrations it is a dark purple color.

Potassium Permanganate has been used in many applications over the years from drinking water treatment to pharmaceutical manufacture. In drinking water treatment, Potassium Permanganate is used to oxidize iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, arsenic, to improve taste and odor and is used as a preoxidant for disinfection by-product control. Potassium Permanganate can help to produce high quality water and to meet strict drinking water standards. In pharmaceutical applications it has been used to oxidize functional groups, such as aromatic side chains to carboxylic acids, organic sulfides to sulfones and to produce antibiotics and tranquilizers.

Product Technical bulletin

Product label
External -Flood with water then wash with vinegar.
Internal-Give vinegar or juice of lemon, grape fruit or orange, Copiously. Follow with olive oil
Eyes- Wash out with 5 per cent boric-acid solution


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